Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Saturday 17 November 2018

The Neglected New Caledonian Referendum

Perhaps, as one commentator said, the NZ media's  neglect of New Caledonia is because it doesn't play rugby.

Or could it be because they don't speak English? Learning French  could be even harder than learning Maori— or correctly pronouncing the names of our Maori and Pasifika rugby players.  Not to mention learning one of the indigenous  Kanak's 21 languages!

Whatever. You could be excused if you did not know the country recently had a referendum on independence from France?

Fortunately, one NZ  journalist, AUT's Professor  David Robie, has made a great effort to make up for the omission. 

Unfortunately,  his coverage received little attention from our mainstream media.  

My apologies,David,  for being a little late publishing your articles on the referendum.  I got caught up in the Fiji elections.

Readers, if you know nothing about the demography of colonialism or the recent referendum  in New Caledonia,  David Robie is your source. Here is what he wrote in Pacific Media Watch

--  ACW

1 comment:

revelo said...


My name is Maria
If I found the smile again it's thanks to Mr Maneul that I received a loan of 50,000 € and two of my colleagues also received loans from this man without any difficulties with a rate of 3% per year. I advise you not to make any more mistakes about anyone, if you actually want to apply for loan money for your project and everything else. I publish this message because Mr. Manuel made me feel good with this loan. It was through a friend that I met this honest and generous Mr. who allowed me to obtain this loan.
To contact him:
Whatsapp: +34 919 03 8606


My name is Maria
If I found the smile again it's thanks to Mr Maneul that I received a loan of 50,000 € and two of my colleagues also received loans from this man without any difficulties with a rate of 3% per year. I advise you not to make any more mistakes about anyone, if you actually want to apply for loan money for your project and everything else. I publish this message because Mr. Manuel made me feel good with this loan. It was through a friend that I met this honest and generous Mr. who allowed me to obtain this loan.
To contact him:
Whatsapp: +34 919 03 8606


My name is Maria
If I found the smile again it's thanks to Mr Maneul that I received a loan of 50,000 € and two of my colleagues also received loans from this man without any difficulties with a rate of 3% per year. I advise you not to make any more mistakes about anyone, if you actually want to apply for loan money for your project and everything else. I publish this message because Mr. Manuel made me feel good with this loan. It was through a friend that I met this honest and generous Mr. who allowed me to obtain this loan.
To contact him:
Whatsapp: +34 919 03 8606


My name is Maria
If I found the smile again it's thanks to Mr Maneul that I received a loan of 50,000 € and two of my colleagues also received loans from this man without any difficulties with a rate of 3% per year. I advise you not to make any more mistakes about anyone, if you actually want to apply for loan money for your project and everything else. I publish this message because Mr. Manuel made me feel good with this loan. It was through a friend that I met this honest and generous Mr. who allowed me to obtain this loan.
To contact him:
Whatsapp: +34 919 03 8606