Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Changes to the Blog

If you've been watching the blog over the past two days, you may have noticed some weird goings-on.  I was trying to make it more usable and its appearance more attractive. 

I've tweaked here and tweaked there and, after a compromise or two, have now come up with what you can see. 

Changes in content.
I'm also thinking of changing the types and frequency of postings.  The NZ scene is reasonably well covered by the likes of The Bulletin and Voxy (see Breaking News for links) and news, but not comment, on  Fiji by the Fiji online media that I'll soon add the the Countries tag, along with links to the other Pacific Islands.

I'll continue to publish items that are not well covered elsewhere or which I think merit added or fuller comment.  I'll also publish a mix of longish and short postings, written by myself and others, that  present a contrarian or critical view of news, events and issues that affect NZ, Fiji and the Pacific Islands. 

Some future longish posts written by others provide examples: 

American Paul Craig Roberts' Is Capitalism Killing Us? deals with environmental issues of concern to us all; Australian Jonathon Pryke puts the scaremongering about China's aid to the Pacific into a saner perspective, and the Lowry Institute report, headed by Prof Stewart Firth. offers a "perspective" on Instability in the Pacific Islands from PNG to the Cook Islands. 

As always, your comments, on appearance and content, would be very much appreciated.   You could start below by clicking on "No comments" which is Bloggers funny way to welcome comments 😂

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