Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Friday, 26 September 2014

Lockington's Everyday Fiji ... Life Goes On

Wananavu and Some Points for the  Opposition

Before I start I wish to thank the Fiji First Party and the supporters. Wananavu.

Here are a few points for the Opposition.

1. Go in with an open mind.

2. I know that some questionable things that happened in the recent past,  but don't take things personally in Parliament.

3. Be positive and a good opposition.

4. Talk about issues and not people.

5. You will have some items on your manifesto that mirrors the Fiji First's manifesto, check them out and work with them to see they get delivered.

6. I had mentioned that some "white goods" (which were considered luxury goods and carry high duty rates) are no longer luxuries but necessities, try and work with the FF party and bring down the duty.

7. Please remember your manifesto, so please try and deliver that to the people you promised.

8. Try to refuse flashy dark tinted expensive government vehicles. If you have your own, drive it to work and don't claim for fuel or mileage.

9. When you drive pass the people, look around and wave.

10. Never, I repeat, never take things personally because you were once hurt by some people.

11. Be role models and not like the parliaments on old where people would heckle each other like idiots. Parliament is an august house ,not a circus.

Anyway, if you are curious, yes I am a Fiji First supporter, and I'm not a YES man.

A Good Line Up

Looking at the line up of successful candidates we a real mixture of professions as follows...
Traditional iTaukei Chiefs.
Business people.
Community workers.
Former military officers.
Former high ranking personalities in government and the private sector.
Former government ministers.
A former top notch mayor.
A paralympian.
A radio personality.
A farmer.

Looking at the list I can gather that they are successful in their field.
Now we wait for them to deliver and I pray that they are guided with good sense and responsibility.
Missing are former parliamentarians who really need to go and find a hobby.

[Allen, you also have eight women, including, for the first time, a woman Speaker.]

The Value of Degrees and Diplomas

I have been approached a few times by young people to see if I could find them jobs. All have diplomas and one guy has a degree.

Most of them graduated two to three years ago and have been unsuccessful in finding jobs. Some have been doing part time jobs on and off. One chap has since found a job and is earning $8,000 per annum, extra hours worked is not paid.

We sat down and did an analysis of how much his dad spent on his tertiary education and we gathered that is was around $8,000 taking into consideration the fees, bus fares, and other expenses. And this came out of his dads FNPF savings.

He was proud to show me his degree folder that he has displayed at his home. He has a picture of him in his graduation gown with the degree and his parents and siblings.

Anyway, he is now an employee in a small company and getting $3.20 and hour. This equates to $25.60 a day, $128 per week, $6,656 per annum.  Lucky he doesn't have to pay tax.

How much should a person with a degree be getting as pay?

What is the value of a diploma or a degree? Or should we just tell him that is lucky to have a job?

Allen Lockington is a self-employed customs agent and business consultant who has regular articles published in Fiji. I thank Allen for permission to reprint some of them in this political blog. They remind us that life goes on, whatever the political situation. And it's good to know that.

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