With the elections behind us, the purpose of this blog changes.
It will still publish important news items, comments and articles on single topics but ledss frequently than in the past. The main focus will be on obtaining readers' opinions on the identification of issues —confronting Government, the Opposition, civil society and business — and their resolution.
Exactly how this will work out, I do not know. We will play it by ear but something of what is intended can be seen in the four most recently published postings.
Your ideas on issues that need airing are most welcome, as indeed are all your ideas on how the blog can be more useful in this new political environment.
I shall probably summarise the comments and make them available to the relevant authorities and the public, and invite their repsonses. It may also be useful to publish opinion polls from time to time to encourage quick responses from readers.
Readers will note that the purpose of comments has also changed. Previously, there were good reasons why people used blogs and Facebook pages to vent their personal frustrations. I hope this type of comment will now be kept to a minimum, and that criticisms will be worded in more helpful and positive ways. Please note that anonymous comments will not be accepted. Using your real name or a pseudonym will help discussion.
The comments that will be especially welcome are your views on what should be done —and not done— by opinion- and decision-makers.
In effect, the blog will be transformed, with YOUR co-operation and assistance, into an interactive forum designed to heal the wounds of the past and help Fiji along the road to "Fiji As it Can Be."
While on this posting, I invite you to complete the "Confidential Survey on You and Fiji Politics" (click on the link here or scroll to earlier posting) if you have not already done so.
Not much is known about the role of the media and the social media in influencing political opinions. The survey, which will be a central part of an article I'm writing for a book by Dr Steve Ratuva, should help to fill in some of the gaps in our knowledge.
Thank you in anticipation and thank you for those who have completed the survey.
I see from Fiji Live the PM is at it again calling Methodist church ministers a "pack of liars". Rather unhelpful in the new Fiji.
He of cause has only ever told the absolute truth like - no one in the military will benefit from the coup, no one in the interim government will be able to stand etc etc etc
He is a dictator. He can't help himself. Larry Dinger assessed him perfectly. Regime opportunists have cleverly exploited this to the detriment of the nation.
Actually, he's the elected PM but I agree the "liar" comment does not help things. But, then, neither does Ro Teimumu's comment that he is a "usurper." Both sides need to cool down and work together on what they have in common.
The Church's letter almost telling people who NOT to vote for naturally brought a response from the PM. I understand Church leaders and the PM met together today. Let's hope they work things out to ensure a better relationship.
Thought the Methodist Church had decided it wasn't getting involved in politics.The apology to what the Church big boss did to Rev Josateki Koroi years ago was finally done! The matanigasau was done during the church conference??? Took so long for the Reverands who abused & assualted Rev Koroi to apologise to him. But what beats this whole episode was that during the conference the Talatalas were still at it in the background- full on discussion on how Frank was to be beaten etc etc! So now with the letter revealed about the goings on from the Church nothing is new! These mob just can't help themselves. Crosbie can i suggest a broader discussion about issues that affect all of us in the South Pacific - 1 that really gets to me is this Asylum seeker issue and the Policy now adopted by the Australian Govt . Appreciate a discussion on this.
The church leaders are total liars. They are 2 faced and divisive. Some are racists. They keep spreading lies and say they will stay out of politics but send out that letter before elections.
Croz - have you read the letter. They are liars. Why has no action been taken against the executive if the letter was not sanctioned by thx church.
Onboard. No, I've only seen bits of it. Can you copy it for readers?
Again, our expectations of Bainimaram and his behaviour should always be very low and as Croz will always point out , he is provoked, so nobody should do anything to get his majesty upset or you know what will happen. We must demand an apology form the Church and they should set themselves on fire in front of hismajesty.
usuper , totally unfair , he is a freedom fighter and he just asked for Fiji to be handed over, quite nicely in fact for eight years while he sorted out how to gain some legitimacy and stack the judiciary, media, public service with compliant little kiss arses who all see something in it for themselves. oh yea and the indians.
elected through process he dictated, with appointees he chose, threatened those he saw as non compliant, with decrees he drafted to suit himself and bought off others through his pork barrelling knowing all along for eight years he was going to be the PM. How selfless. I see da family have done very well out of his time in power too!!, what a shcok.
Given how Bainimarama has taken such a precious view of outside interference and commentary, what is Australian asylym seeker polices got to do with you ?? Fijian don't even want the indians they have , lets see how you feel with somalis, afghanis and iraqis turning up on your door step uninvited. Yes I know you already seem to have an upsurge in sri lankans. Good luck with that.
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