Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Wednesday 10 August 2022

pn928. The Beginning, the Middle or the End for Christopher Luxon?

Uffindell (L) nd Luxon
OPINION.  A short while back Christopher Luxon was supposedly making statements from Te Puke while he was actually holidaying in Hawai'i.  It was reported as a staff error. 

Now he supposedly was "completely unaware"  about  recently-elected Sam Uffindell's school bullying, again because his staff failed to inform him.

After previously saying he was not told of Uffindell’s bullying at King’s College, Luxon revealed staff in his office were told – they just didn’t tell him. He said that was a “mistake”despite which he said he maintains he  trusts in his staff.   ”I think it was a genuine mistake. And I really trust my staff.”

This was no mistake. Either Luxon is not telling the whole truth or his staff are incompetent.

He also stood by the party’s selection panel, including the party presidents who also didn’t tell him. Former party president Peter Goodfellow and current president Sylvia Wood both knew about Uffindell’s attack on a younger student, as they were involved in candidate selection.

National  management since Luxon took over looks like a wild west show.  If he had run Air NZ like he is now running his parliamentary office, he would not have remained CEO for long.

At the time of writing a new allegation has been made about Uffindell, and Luxon has suspended him during an investiagtion.

-- ACW

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