Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Monday 6 June 2022

pn914, What is something Russians are tired of hearing about?


What is something Russians are tired of hearing about?

I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic, so I am going to write my answer from my personal POV, based upon my experience with Czechs. What am I, as a Russian, tired of hearing about from the Middle-Europeans?


  • The Crimean issues: Guys, this is such a complicated issue that even among the Russians and the Ukrainians there is a very broad spectrum of opinions. Personally, I know a Russian guy from Moscow who decided to stay in Europe and not return to Russia because of the Crime issue and many Ukrainians who are completely on the Russian side - and many people somewhere in between. My point is, the subject is a very complex mosaic and even for us it can be very hard to orient ourselves in what is going on. So if you do not bother yourself learning some basic facts and talking to some local people with a direct experience, better just shut up.

    The same works for all the political topics. If you really wish to exchange opinions - and Russians do like discussions - please, learn something about the Russian reality (which is VERY different from the European countries), the recent history and at least a piece of what the Russians themselves think about it, first, or at least ask respectfully.

    And here comes my next point…
  • Russians are brainwashed by their media: In general, Russians are very much aware of what is going on in their country. I even dare to say that they are more aware of what is going on in the world than their European counterparts since Russia has common borders with 14 countries. Russian media covers it very thoroughly - for example, many Russian journalists live in the places they write about, or at least have some ties there. Contrary to what many Europeans think, they also do inform themselves about what is happening in the West - sometimes with more or less pieces of ideology, sure, but much less compared to the tons of disinformation and half-truths in their European counterparts. Sure, there is pro-government media in the country - but there are many other voices which are just as loud.
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1 comment:

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