Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Wednesday 22 December 2021

pn827. If we do not recognize Fiji Indians as Fijian and Pacific Islanders, how can NZ Pākehā claim to be New Zealanders? -- ACW

 Ireen Rahiman-Manuel commented in Linkedin on my last posting (pn826), about NZ-born children of overstayers not being recognized as New Zealanders.

  Ireen, Fiji-born and NZ resident, has a master's degree in International Development Studies from Massey University and is the founder and Director of Impactdev360.  She wrote:


They don't even recognize Fiji Indians as Pacific Islanders in New Zealand too. So there we go. They get Fiji Indians on Pacific Quota visas and deny them any support accorded to Pacific people.
When it suits the Pacific Ministry and the government they count Fiji Indians under the Pacific number. An example of this is for the recent Covid-19 vaccine count. This government signals a lot of virtue and unfulfilled promises.

The Fiji Indian Trailblazer series 

Ireen started the  Fiji Indian Trailblazer series project in the middle of Covid-19 challenges in Auckland, New Zealand in 2020. It will publish 200 stories in total to celebrate the Fiji Indian diaspora and its people globally. 

In New Zealand, the Fiji Indian community has been isolated, marginalised, segregated and refused support at many levels by government ministries. This support has been accorded to other Pacific Island groups. Fiji Indians did not receive any support from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples nor the Ministry of Ethnic Peoples funds. We again, 140 years on, were left at the mercy of who thinks where we should belong and people were fast to dictate our identity for us. As the policy makers are still working hard (140 years on) trying to decide on our existence and identities, Ireen challenged many government leads on their reasonings. Till today no leader has been able to justify what constitutes being a Pacific Islander (is) in New Zealand's diverse makeup. Till today, many Fiji Indians are told that they do not qualify for assistance, scholarships, grants, job promotions, and other things because they are not Pacific Islanders. 

This series is put together with the hope that we can give rise and recognition to the Fiji Indian people as Pacific Islanders with a unique set of culture, language, work ethics and global success. Fiji Indians have lived in Fiji for over 140 years, faced the extreme brunt of colonisation and slavery as girmitya's, and often have stories that is of sheer determination and success that was never shared. In telling our stories, we learn to heal as a community and acknowledge and celebrate successes. This is our time, and our stories to share. The beauty is that this time we get to write our own stories and tell it with truth and without any stigma attached.

Contact Info

Fiji Indian’s Profile.

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