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Monday, 22 November 2021

pn817. Why Victoria's protests should concern us all

 Why Victoria's protests should concern us all


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AU Edition | 22 November 2021

Thousands of people headed to the centre of Melbourne on the weekend to protest vaccine legislation and the Victorian government’s pandemic bill. While the weekend gatherings were peaceful, they follow a week of protests that used violent language and imagery. So who are the protestors? Josh Roose writes they are made up of a mix of groups, but riddled with alt-right and far-right extremists whose growing reach, largely through social media, poses a significant challenge to Australian democracy.

The groups also borrow heavily from the symbolism employed by far-right groups in the US, which have gained momentum since the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. So what now? There are some important political solutions, says Roose, which means those of good faith need a bipartisan approach to reaffirming citizenship and democracy, while still allowing open debate on contentious issues.

Amanda Dunn

Section Editor: Politics + Society

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