Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Wednesday 6 January 2021

I'm having a short, partial break (pn666) -- and Chomsky 1

Chomsky 1

Unless something special happens over the next few days, I won't  post every day, but there will be a daily post with a telling quotation from the great American intellectual Noam Chomsky. In so few words, he says so much

 "Throughout his entire life, Noam Chomsky has used his knowledge, skills, and stature as a public intellectual to advocate for a radical change in societies that have failed to live to the promises and ideals of a radical democracy. Chomsky has made clear that intellectuals, artists, educators, and other cultural workers have a responsibility to use education to address grave social problems such as the threat of nuclear war, ecological devastation, and the sharp deterioration of democracy. " (see pn647)

-- ACW

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