Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Friday 25 December 2020

Kiss and make up finale. Part 5. The gift exchange (pn655)

Mike Hosking and Jacinda Ardern exchanged prank-like Christmas gifts over Zoom on Friday.

Ardern gifted the Newstalk ZB radio host with two Laboaur election billboards, where Hosking is pictured alongside the Prime Minister.

Hosking roared into laughter as he unwrapped the present.

"You can imagine what life could've been," Ardern said.

"Is this an official pitch? Do you want me on board? Have you seen my magnetism as a vote-getter?" Hosking joked.

Ardern says she likes to think her gift will prove it's worth over time.

"Over time I will indeed learn to love it. I'll put it straight to the pool room," Hosking said.

Ardern then opened a package for herself - a face mask with Hosking's face on it - which she models in the video.

"The question is, will I scare children?" she joked.

Ardern was given four masks, all with different designs featuring Hosking's face or body.

"When I first opened it, I briefly worried it was a g-string," she said, laughing. "And I thought, maybe he's gone too far?"

"Maybe that's for next year," Hosking said

Next year the gloves will be off again, and all the kiss and make up hilarity forgotten.  Maybe it's a healthy sign that in our society for one week a year politics is trivialised and those on opposite sides can joke together. Maybe, though, it's just another form of advertising with the hilarity just as insincere.  But, either way, it at least allows us a breather as we celebrate peace on earth and goodwill to all men, full of hope, generosity and kindness towards others.  A Merry Christmas, everyone.

You can see the video by clicking this youtube link.

-- ACW

1 comment:

Crosbie Walsh said...

Just checking to see that comments work.