Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Friday 18 October 2019

The Media in NZ Politics

What's happening in NZ politics? Hardly had Labour's sex scandal blown over (a young party staffer apparently made unwanted sexual overtures to young female party members)  than Labour's coalition partner NZ First's  Clayton Mitchell was thrown out of a Tauranga night club for supposed drunken behaviour (He denies it; claiming political motivation) and Shane Jones was seen using a now-illegal-in-NZ assault rifle while holidaying in Thailand.  Three bad strikes against the Government parties. 

Fortunately, we have a clean party in National. Its staffers are no longer young, its MPs sip alcohol in moderation, and they only use guns for "grouse" shooting.

National's worst action/in-action last week was refusing the Speaker's request to remove  parliamentary footage  from its Facebook page. UPDATE. National to remove videos. While this resulted in National being allowed less parliamentary question time, thus allowing Government more  time to get on with the job of governing, the relief will probably be short lived. Even now, in-depth (up to their knees in bull) journalists are sniffing around for more trivial news to demean and distract.  And leave us less than well informed about the important issues facing the country.

-- ACW

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