Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Saturday 23 March 2019

Opposing Views on Jacinda's Leadership

First, compliments in The Daily Blog  and then — Cameron Slater's Whaleoil blog

GUEST BLOG: Gerard Otto – Begrudging Jacinda 

in The Daily Blog

 This world leading mother, brilliant, inspirational woman has taken the world by storm and there’s nothing to do but eat those words about lacking substance, about being out of her depth, about Winston running the show.
Ever since the 2017 election conservative media have sulked and snapped at Jacinda for – almost anything really.
“She has no substance” they wisely tell their audience of wounded partisans despite her incredible substance on display every day.
“That’s right Mike, she is out of her depth”, they wail like stray cats on a fence, backs arched, tails high and ears pinned back, bristling at territorial threats.
“Cindy had a baby, so what?” – clanged the cans in the rubbish bin, down Soper’s alley, where sensational stories go to die after a single day.
“She’s being taken for a ride by Winston”, said the supposed sharpest minds in Dumb Fuck Town, where old coots listen on transistor radios over a beer to what these socialist communists are up to.
“It’s a shambles, God help us all” – and repeat.
Repeat forever.
Repeat like your life depends upon it.
Repeating these words every day, every week for a year or more now has been the steady conditioning of major right wing segments of New Zealand by their conservative news media who relentlessly paint a gloomy, negative picture to harm and wound the government.
The grand poobah’s are Hosking, Garner, Richardson, O’Sullivan and ….other nameless ones.
Meanwhile Jacinda has been an incredible world beater on the international stage…so much so…that the local media have had to go silent, or award her 6 out of 10 with a plate stacked high with ten tonnes of sour grapes.
Welcome to today motherfuckers.
This world leading mother, brilliant, inspirational woman has taken the world by storm and there’s nothing to do but eat those words about lacking substance, about being out of her depth, about Winston running the show.
It’s nothing but loserdom.
Loserdom worn on the foreheads of all those who now cannot find their voice to criticise this phenomenal leader – while love pours in from all over the world, and there’s a seismic shift as she sets an example that puts others to shame.
The conservative media do what they always do at times like these.
They look around at the corners and sweep up lint and decide not to say anything for a week until this all dies down.
Audrey Young’s last opinion article was about what a shambles the government is.
Not a great deal of glowing for Jacinda this week – unlike her hot flushes over John Key.
Hosking usually writes four wonky warped opinions a week, but has only managed one this week.
It’s that time again – time to brush the lint and look into corners.
Fran has finally spoken out against Facebook – but defended free speech last year, along with almost everyone in a giant step for irony and a small step for fashion crime.
Who can forget TVNZ showing us all graphic videos in 2014 and 2015 to illustrate terrorist acts – but now Fran is shaking her fist at Facebook.
Bryce Edwards says it’s dangerous to blame anyone but this lone wolf terrorist, not his beliefs, not the conditioning he went through, not the seething hatred of the cess pit around us all – formed by these disgusting attitudes.
Apparently all the causes cannot be examined and we must sweep this all under the conservative carpet.
Millennials tell countless stories of their older family racist parents, uncles, aunties and grandparents.
All people who mostly tune into the same radio station, and read the same newspapers.
First time callers but long time racists.
Stewing like KKK members itching for a torch.
The vile racist attitudes of those old kiwis who have grown up separated from diversity – grumbling at innocent people in petrol stations, supermarket check outs, liquor shops – because they are the wrong race or religion, is not something we can hope to influence.
It’s so deeply ingrained that undoing all those knots would take a miracle.
It’s possible – but those who try – talk about banging their heads against a brick wall.
Decades of negative press and bigoted attitudes – now find this bloody socialist taking away their ability to shoot hundreds of bullets in 10 seconds.
It’s a bloody outrage, they cry.
How did all these hard withered souls get so ignorant and tied up in knots?
By a million exposures to the same old bullshit.
By grumbling, bitching and whining over tiny little incidents, as their ultra slow neurons leap to the nearest stereotype.
Media for sure have reflected these attitudes on talk back radio for years.
Ever since I was a kid and generations before.
Carping on and bitching at all things Maori, stewing about how all Muslim people are the same, when they are just as diverse as anyone.
It’s fucking annoying and that is why I write about it.
We have this clear air – when we are all more receptive to this inner worm.
Don’t even start me on our Chinese friends who must suffer a great deal every day from all of this shit too.
Anyway – Jacinda Ardern is being hailed all over the world.
Decisive, compassionate, caring and kind.
While the conservative media has nothing much to say, because it would kill Hosking and his ilk to praise Jacinda – at all.
Not a single word shall pass his lips that is not vitriol for all of her actions.
In the meantime, I am hopeful about all the good in our young people, all the free minds, inclusive souls, evolved, bright and respectful.
Thank goodness for you.
It takes a great deal of coldness to begrudge Jacinda right now, and only those able to clearly see a great leader amongst us – can realise this.
It’s like being on the side of evil versus love.
Begrudging every step, as our PM shows the world the kind of heart and strength and humility that would deserve a Nobel Peace prize.
Meanwhile, conservative media seethe in the shadows.
Itching to bitch and moan about Jacinda again on auto repeat.
Cos that’s the news in Dumb Town.

Gerard Otto is an activist and a writer.

And this is what was posted on Cameron Slater's Whaleoil blog

I wish we had strong leadership in New Zealand. When tragedy strikes we need a leader like Donald Trump. I don’t care what his critics say, the man has both a big heart for his fellow Americans and the strength to protect them.

It is understandable after a terror attack that people are afraid and that political leaders want to offer reassurance and be seen to be doing something to make the people feel safe. Ardern has a heart for the people and sympathy in spades, but she lacks the strength to do what needs to be done.
Because we have been a safe country for so long, our Kiwi culture is all about making excuses for terrorists and hugging them and wasting money trying to rehabilitate them.Anti-terrorism bollards in Melbourne Australia

Our PM feels their pain and has a big heart for the families affected, of that there is no doubt.

Knee jerk reactions and Captain’s calls are virtue signalling and weak leadership. There are no simple solutions or quick fixes for terrorism. What has been announced is a Band-Aid over a gaping wound. Anyone who thinks that New Zealand will be safer and more terror-proof if New Zealand’s gun laws become even more restrictive is fooling themselves.

That might feel as if something is being done, but criminals and terrorists break laws. The only people affected by Ardern’s latest knee-jerk pronouncement will be law-abiding gun owners.

The focus needs to be on who kills, not what they kill with. We can’t ban trucks, yet “trucks of peace” have been used by terrorists to kill people in large numbers.

We have to go to the root of the problem, and that is much harder and takes more courage than a knee jerk, bandaid, virtue signalling ban. Terrorists can use vehicles to kill, they can use bombs, they can use knives.

The solutions need to be focussed on identifying these individuals before they can act. They also need to be focussed on preventing these kinds of individuals from travelling to our country.

If we don’t grow a spine and get some strong leadership we will soon be living in a country with concrete bollards to prevent “trucks of peace”, and we will have armed police and soldiers patrolling our streets. A ban of certain firearms won’t make a lick of difference.

We either put some serious thought into how to protect our country and make some hard and unpopular decisions or we will be just like Europe, getting unsafer by the day.

Trump is prepared to protect America’s borders. We need to do the same. Who we let into our country is vitally important and those already in our country who wish us harm need to be dealt with to the full extent of the law.

Ardern has put no thought into whether her knee jerk law changes will actually make us safer or what the consequences might be. I can tell you right now what the consequences will be. This new law change is a slippery slope that will lead to disarming the population so that we are even more vulnerable to terrorism.

Nothing stops a cowardly terrorist quite like an armed citizen shooting back. The only reason why this terrorist was able to be stopped is because our police had access to firearms. Ardern herself is protected by armed men.

I want the legal right to defend my family. I currently am not even allowed to carry pepper spray. An unarmed population is a vulnerable population. We were a soft target for the terrorist. It is time to harden up and protect our New Zealand family.

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