Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Who Are These People Who Don't Want Our Founding Document Taught in Schools?

In a  TV1 poll released today 71% of those polled voted "yes" to teaching about the Treaty of Waitangi in all schools. 

Some may see this as a welcome sign.   

Others may wonder why the Treaty of Waitangi was taken out for special mention. If you're teaching History, you can't take out —  or should not be able to omit —such an important part of our history and not teach it at all.  

Still others may be concerned, as I am,  about the 26% who voted "no" and the 3% who did not know.  

As I see it, and if the poll is accurate, up to 29% of adult NZ wants part of our history ignored, or couldn't care either way.

Who are these people, these voters and fellow citizens? 

Would they also oppose compensation payments for land taken from Maori? The Treaty of Waitangi Act?  The teaching of Te Reo?  Are they racists or just ignorant? Or both?

What do they think about gays and transgender issues? Do they also oppose abortion and drug reform? (Or were they on drugs when they voted!)  

What do they think about global warming? Do they also oppose taxes to help reduce environment emissions?

Are they holocaust deniers?

Would they have voted for Trump had they been American?

What do they teach their children?

Who benefits from these views? Who loses?

Who do they vote for?  

Are they less educated and ignorant,  or more educated and prejudiced,  than the average New Zealander?  Where are they hiding? Which is our neighbour, friend or employer?

Goodness knows! But my guess is that they represent that section of our population that is prejudiced on almost every issue. 

Can anything be done to change their minds?  I do not know but I doubt it. 

Read on ......

God of Nations at Thy feet,In the bonds of love we meet,Hear our voices, we entreat,God defend our free land. 
Guard Pacific's triple starFrom the shafts of strife and war,Make her praises heard afar,God defend New Zealand.
Men of every creed and race,Gather here before Thy face,Asking Thee to bless this place,God defend our free land.From dissension, envy, hate,And corruption guard our state,Make our country good and great,God defend New Zealand.
How can we hold up this fine image and ignore them?



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