VISILIA BUADROMO, Fijian human rights
activist, has been appointed Secretary General of the People's
General Assembly, a grouping of civil society organizations, that
will meet in New York tomorrow Saturday. So, with the PM inside at
the UN General Assembly and Visilia outside, Fiji will be well
represented, albeit presenting different views.
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indeed accepted the PriceWaterhourseCooper recommendations for 24
Permanent Secretaries, whose salaries will now range form $160,000 to
$220,000. The PM has justified the increases on the basis that with
the likely imminent lifting of travel bans by ANZ, if it now be
possible to attract the best people for the job — if the salary is
right. The string in the tail for the permanent secretaries is that
they will lose all their allowance (housing, entertainment, travel,
etc.) and be paid the one flat salary. This may moderate the
criticism of the increases by the FLP, PDP, PDA and FTUC.
"only" being charges with three counts of violation of the
Exchange Control Act, not 12 cases of tax evasion) as earlier
reported by The Fiji Times.
SEATS. The FLP has confirmed that in its submission to the
Ghai Commission it wanted one-third of the seats in parliament to be
decided by race-voting, with 12 seats allocated to iTaukei, 10 to
Indo-Fijians and 3 for General Voters. But this will not be possible
under the electoral provisions of the new constitution.
ONE LONELY FEMALE. Dennis Singh on
Facebook's Fiji Economic Forum notes that Australia's Abbott cabinet
has just one female. Yet the Ausaid funded NGO's ... in Fiji were
pushing for reserved parliamentary seats for women. The Bainimarama
Government has one female cabinet minister without any need for
gender quotas.
Non-political news
- GOLF. Fiji will host the first ever PGA tour in August nest year. The event will be an extension of the Australian PGA competition, and the purse will exceed a million dollars.
- SCHOLARSHIPS SUSPENDED. Some 220 iTaukei scholarship holders have had their scholarships put on hold due to their failing their university exams. The scholarships may be renewed if the students improve their performance.
So he does not have the best people for the job now ? If so why would he be paying the increases now - surely they should only apply to the new people he attracts post restrictions.
And the big elephant in the room ? How much has he been paying himself for the last 7 years and what pay rise has he given himself in the latest round. All this from a man who promised this coup would not be like others and that he nor the military would benefit personally from the couop ??????
Not sure the comparison is fair. Australia has other female members of parlient - Fiji has no parliment. Yes Fiji has a female cabninet minister but actually no real cabinet. They are more employees of the PM.
One thing that might be similar is the salaries making them the best paid people in Fiji - but really dont know
Geez Croz... you condemned Visilia ... you endorsed her beating and abuse. Proud now?
Has there ever been a greater hypocrite and fool than Croz in relation to the rape of Fiji by the illegal treasonous junta...and all because he and his missus got a free trip from the human rights abusing thieves who call themselves a 'government'? Perhaps he actually believes his own bullshit?
Fiji has a woman leader. In judicial robes each day with Frank
One lone female may achieve the 'Greatest of Things': Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel. Mrs Thatcher - the Iron Lady of British Politics and three times elected PM of GB. Angela Merkel - who grew up in Stasi- regimented, communist East Germany. Both Professional Chemists of standing with logical, scientific minds. Both with understanding and self-actualised husbands who gave them full support but knew 'their place' in public. Mrs Merkel has just publicly thanked her husband and given 'Heartfelt Thanks' to the German Nation for her election victory (73% measured turnout of voters). Remarkable women by anyone's estimation. Leaders who intimately know the 'soul' of the people and what is required for national cohesion. Both with external affairs to take care of: the Falkland Islands' preferred sovereignty for Thatcher and European Solidarity for Merkel. Two different styles for two distinct times. Strong and instinctive leaders for two nations formerly twice at war.
Why all this hate for Croz? Because he exposes the nonsense behind the so called pro democracy movement? Because he asks intelligent questions to which there are no intelligible answers? Because its easier to attack the man than to reason? Whatever. Not much freedom of opinion in the Buadromo style of democracy. Just me me me.
Why do so many itaukei students fail their exams?
Where has Croz condemned Virisila?
Ooh bitch bitch bitch!!
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