■ Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)
Ideas on Constitutional and Electoral Reforms III: Money, Governance & Citizenship
Part III (final) of Satendra Prasad's ideas. Readers should not assume that the publication of his ideas means that I necessarily agree with them. All thoughtful ideas and comments are welcome on this blog (as they are with the Constitution Commission) but I would prefer readers to comment on the special blog Fiji Political and Constitutional Forum www.fijipcforum.blogspot.com
Enact into legislation that all fiscal and monetary budgets must be
balanced. In other words no expenditure to be allocated if there is
no source of funds. This has been done in province of BC in Canada
and just recently the Democrats have joined forces in USA to enact a
similar Legislation. This will force the elected governments to be
more responsible and accountable.
Enact Anti-corruption Legislation that includes the creation of Anti
Corruption Tribunal headed by a Qualified Judge with team of
qualified investigators including forensic team of accounts, IT
professionals, Auditors, etc.
Enact a Code of standard practice (including ethical, moral and
professional standards for all Government CEOs and political and
constitutional appointees. Breaches to be severely dealt with
including heavy fines, prison terms and or suspension or sacking
where appropriate. These two combined with other good policies and
procedures should become checks and balances for accountability,
transparency and responsibility and serve as the foundation of the
good governance.
Change Citizenship Act to Allow Dual Citizenship - Citizenship by
birth in Fiji and children of Fiji born in another country to be
guaranteed and retained, regardless if some one has acquired a
citizenship of another country by immigration( Allow Dual Citizenship
similar to NZ, Australia and Canada. This MUST be a persons birth
right and humane thing to do. This will encourage many former Fiji
Residents like me who have made a lot of wealth overseas to go back
to Fiji and semi-retire while investing in business ventures, land
developments or Eco-tourism related projects or simply take the role
of Financiers for local businesses. This will speed up the foreign
investment and economic recovery process in Fiji.
Currently if you
acquire Citizenship of another Country then you automatically lose
the Fiji citizenship and unfairly substituted ONLY by residency
rights for former Fiji Citizens that only gives free entry, residency
and exit rights but restricts from working, doing business and or
voting etc. Unless you pay $5000 FJD to apply for Fiji citizenship by
registration that seems unwarranted when a person is already a
citizen of Fiji by birth. Many countries including Canada, USA,
Australia, NZ and UK allow dual citizenship, simply because it is
good for their economy, familial and social reasons and it is
guaranteed to be very good for Fiji as well.
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