Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Thursday, 19 January 2012

A Bumpy Road

Anonymous left a comment on the post New Freedoms Awaken Old Protagonists that will reach more readers as a post. I have woven some of my own thoughts into his argument where I though his point was not quite clear. I hope he doesn't mind. --Croz

One needs to understand that at this point in time, the current move of the Bainimarama-led government to democracy will have to take on some bumpy roads. The Public Order (Amendment) Decree 2012 seeks to ensure public safety and and an environment for helpful public discussion. Without the Act, discussions on the Constitution and Electoral Reforms could easily deteriorate into racial and personal mudslinging, and the biased and misleadng media reporting, that previously marked "discussion."The Act is something that we need to understand in this light, rather than negatively critic, as per Peter Waqavonono and his comments.

His concern for human rights education, civic education, etc. is understandable, but not to support personal agendas and grievences. This would set back to Fiji and not help it to move forward. People with personal agendas hinders the positive development and attitude of ordinary citizens.

To expect Fiji to have a democracy identical to other countries is unrealistic. No two countries share the same history and we make our laws and rules to fit our  situation.Others may see our way as undemocratic or unrepresentation, but the question is what does one do with level of coup history that Fiji has, led alone our system of corrupt leadership in the past.

We have to expect some rough patches along the way to get to the light at the end of the tunnel, and if our current government sees that introducing certain decrees will lead us down the road to full recovery, then we need to chip in to help and be positive thinkers. We need to be critical where criticism is due but remember that repeated negative criticism is not helpful at this time in our history.


All hail the junta said...

Ok, we all love the military junta and all hail the dictator. Does that make you happy croz? You really need a holiday and a reality check old fella.

kahukiwa said...

'....led alone our system of corrupt leadership in the past....'

And of course, all corruption stopped in 2006!

Anonymous said...

You make Neville Chamberlin look confrontational.

Croz' Public Wank said...

Of all the crap you write - this takes the cake! It is public masturbation!

Proud fijian said...

Hey posters why don't you argue the points rather than attacking the writer.

'Kua mada na tagi tiko va toa e bili ni koro'

Walker Texas Ranger said...

The Public Order Act (Amendment)Decree of 2012 is necessary and is an embellishment of the Colonial Public Order Act 1969. An embellishment because it now covers Terrorism and all acts which are associated to the imposition or waging of terror in the Modern World. In some respects, it is more lenient than the provisions now in place in the United Kingdom since 7/7 2005 when London was subjected to direct terrorist attack. People in Fiji may now be detained without charge and without legal representatio for up to 14 days with Ministerial approval if they are alleged to have taken part in an act associated with terrorism or if they are SUSPECTED of planning or plotting terror.

We have confidently believed for a long time that Home Invasions where weapons are used should be considered acts of terrorism. In Fiji, we know that many of these attacks over the past ten years or more have been orchestrated and planned. They have sought to target specific individuals and ethnic groups. They may also have included rape, attempted rape and robbery but in specific instances they have been targeted to terrorize and to brutalize.

Now we have the POAD 2012 and it should be applied carefully and resolutely to deter to permit Due Process. It is vital that the Courts follow up expeditiously with Mentions and Hearings and then convictions with sentences which now ought to satisfy the taxpaying Fiji Public. For too long, the taxpayers and their dependents have had impunity delivered to them.

Those who fail to deliver information to the Authorities which they possess (and in some instances we know of those who have information connected to murder and which is undivulged) shall now be held to account for their failure to 'Assist the Police in their enquiries'. This is the law in every civilized country outside Fiji. It now applies here. Yes,the bumps along the way are likely to be numerous but they must be levelled.