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Pita Driti (left) and Ratu Tevita |
By Crosbie Walsh
Colonel Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara, popularly known as Rokoului —until recently the fourth highest ranking officer in Fiji military, son of revered former PM and President the late Ratu Mara, brother-in-law to the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, and former close associate of PM Bainimarama— has fled to Tonga.
A Tongan patrol boat the Savea, that Tonga says (and Fjii disputes) responded to a distress signal, south of Ono-i-Lau, took him to Nuku’alofa 370 km away where, because of his high status, he has been accommodated by the royalty.
He has now made a statement accusing Bainimarama of being a dictator and calling for his removal. This is what he had to say .
There are obviously two big questions to ask about this high profile defection: Why did he do it and what will be the effect?
Forget the rumour spread by Michael Field last year that the fallout with the PM was all about sexual improprieties with both Pita Driti and Ratu Tevita involved. This may have been a factor, but it was not the reason for his flight. No, Michael, I don’t think Ratu Tevita was keeping a second family in Nausori. Forget also the rumour that the PM was about to expose the Mara-Ganilau families’ involvement in the National Bank of Fiji scam, and the story that Ratu Tevita was implicated in the $3m missing from the Fiji Pine Trust, and alleged misuse of Lau provincial money. These also may have been factors but even collectively they are not the reason for the flight.
Forget also that there has been a major ideological break with Ratu Tevita no longer favouring multi-racialism. Prior to mid-2010 Ratu Tevita was frequently seen in Bainimarama’s company and the body language between them was good.
So what brought about the change?
I think the central reason for the defection needs to be traced back to last October when both men were sent on leave following the sexual allegations . The rumour at that time was that they had asked the President to ask the PM to step down. In March the rumour spread that they had been arrested, along with fellow officer Mohammed Aziz. Then, last week the two appeared in court charged under the Crime Decree with “uttering seditious comments.” They appeared before Suva Magistrate Mrs Alofa Seruvatu, a close friend of the Mara family.
Ratu Tevita, released on bail, was due to appear again before the court on May 31 and Pita Driti the next day. They may then have been faced with a less sympathetic court.
Whatever led to Ratu Tevita fleeing, it has been brewing for quite a long time. The fact that he failed to hand in his passport and report to the police on Friday means that he has breached bail conditions. He now has bail breaking and fugitive from justice added to the charge of sedition. Ratu Tevita has cast his dice and there is no way of turning back.
The immediate reason why he fled now, at this point in time, is the likelihood of being found guilty of what he claims are “trumped up” charges of inciting mutiny and seditious comments. He claims to have been told of plans to imprison him for “at least a year without trial.” There is no way of verifying the claim but he was released on bail last week and there is no good reason to suppose this would not have happened again while he awaited trial. No one in recent Fiji history has been imprisoned for a year without trial.
The more general reason seems to revolve around his claim that Bainimarama is behaving like a dictator. “For inexplicable reasons," he said, "Commodore Bainimarama, weakened by ill health, morally and intellectually bankrupt, is no more than Aiyaz Khaiyum's hand puppet, and his megalomania is inspired entirely by the self-importance of a lowly and inadequate man." He then accused Aiyaz Khaiyum of causing Fiji’s tight security, saying he was a “megalomaniac incapable of understanding principles of decency and respect.”
His complaint, then, is that Bainimarama was heeding Sayed-Khaiyum, not listening to certain members of the Military Council, and that since being send on leave he (and Driti) had been side-lined from all decision-making. “The advice which we, as senior officers, had offered the commander in an attempt to soften the regime's approach to public dissent were seen by Khaiyum as a direct threat to his person and his megalomania is inspired entirely by the self importance of a lonely and inadequate man,' he said.
It should be noted that his complaint was not about military rule, the People’s Charter, the Roadmap, the need to remove corruption, reform the public service, amend the constitution or about electoral reforms that would remove racially-based constituencies and political parties.
He was a key figure in the 2006 Coup and he has publicly supported all of these measures until very recently, when he first felt personally threatened. He says he advocated a “soften” approach, presumably referring to media censorship and the Public Emergency Regulations.
His complaint was about Attorney-General and Cabinet member Sayed-Khaiyum and his influence on Bainimarama who he only now sees as “ill and morally and intellectually bankrupt.” Ratu Tevita shares Driti’s dislike of Sayed-Khaiyum. It is generally known that last year Driti asked the PM to get rid of Sayed-Khaiyum and threatened to resign if he did not. Bainimarama chose Sayed-Khaiyum.
My explanation, then, is that the side-lining of both men led to their seditious comments and intentions, and to Mara’s flight to Tonga. Essentially, it is about personalities and personal influence, not about any principle higher than self-interest.
I think Mara’s declaration from Tonga ('When this hateful dictatorship has been eradicated, all of us who once served it shall answer to the Fijian people for the part we played and I will gladly submit to their verdict”) is also about self-interest. In the idiom, he is protecting his back and hoping those who have consistently opposed Bainimarama will welcome him back into the flock.
What effect?
The immediate effects are obvious. Whatever Bainimarama says, this is a major embarrassment and setback that will be taken as evidence of widespread discontent against his government, that will harden international opinion, and offer the ever-hopeful the prospect of an uprising against him. It would be unwise, however, to read too much into either assumption. One man in exile is one man in exile. Ratu Tevita is no Napoleon.
The New Zealand coverage of the news had TV journalist Barbara Dreaver predicting strained relations between Fiji and Tonga over this “very serious” situation and hinting that the Tongan navy had “spirited” Ratu Tevita “away.” This is supported by Bainimarama’s statement that the Tongan navy breached Fiji sovereignty in sending a vessel to “rescue” Ratu Tevita close to Kadavu and well inside Fiji territorial waters. He also called for Mara’s extradition.
This is certainly serious but a possible clash between the two armies that was also mentioned (along with the contested ownership of Minerva Reef) is most unlikely. It makes a good news story but my guess is that while Mara will be welcomed in Tonga —his relationship with the King ensures this— it will not be long before today’s news becomes tomorrow’s history.
More important is the likely effect within Fiji. The defection will slightly strengthen the hidden opposition but without support from the military they would be wiser to wait reforms planned for next year, and not further jeopardise their participation by speaking out now. Rumblings may also be expected from Lau but are unlikely to have much effect.
The reactions of the Mara family is more difficult to gauge. Adi Koila, Ratu Tevita’s sister, is married to the President and is a power in her own right. She was a Cabinet Minister in the FLP-led government led by Mahendra Chaudhry and was held hostage by Speight after the 2000 coup. I think she will stay supportive of the Bainimarama government. Her elder sister Adi Ateca is married to Ratu Epeli Ganilau. Both originally supported Bainimarama, and probably still do, though less enthusiastically after Ratu Epeli decided earlier in the year to retire from politics for unstated “personal reasons.” Of the older children, this leaves Ratu Finau who seems to have opted out of the political scene and Adi Litea whose husband Henry Dugdale is strongly opposed to the Bainimarama government, and who may have influenced Ratu Tevita’s recent actions. This suggests that a unified Mara (and Ganilau) stance seems unlikely.
The critical relationship, of course, is that between Bainimarama and the military. My sources indicate that had Ratu Tevita and Driti acted earlier, some time from the Abrogation of the Constitution in April 2009 up until mid-2010, they might —just might— have found some support from other senior officers, although probably not enough to stage a coup-within-the-coup. The same sources say events have so discredited both men that they now have no meaningful support in the military.
This leaves one further question: Ratu Tevita said he had urged moderation but was not listened to. Will his defection result in an easing of censorship and the lifting of PER. I very much doubt it, and fear it could have the opposite effect. This is a great pity because, apart from the defection, this might be the best time to expect some moderation of the government’s position.
Bainimarama will have taken heart from Australia possibly softening position. And he knows that New Zealand might lift the sanctions that are likely to cripple Fiji’s chances at the Rugby World, if Fiji shows signs of progress towards parliamentary government. Lifted PER even partially, reactivating the Electoral Office and bringing forward the political dialogue on constitutional and electoral reform due to start next year would have been clear signs of progress.
We just have to cross our fingers and hope that Ratu Tevita has not caused a conciliatory opportunity to pass unused.
The only touch of humour in the whole affair was posted on Facebook "Geez ... the Maafu's and the Cakobau's are still at it ... the year is 2011."
What Bainimarama had to say
As reported on FijiLive FijiVillage Fiji Broadcasting
What we now know for certain is Frank has been lying to us for a long long time. It is clear the RFMF are not the clean skins he makes them out to be. It is clear that not all have supported his moves. It is clear that those in his team are very much like him - self interest is high on their lists. Remember one of the reasons for the 2006 coup was that Frank was being investigated for the murders of soldiers and sedition himself. Frank was not going to stand buy and let the law get him and Mara was not going to stand by and let Frank's new law get him. All self interest.
And if you read the full press statement there is enough in there to make you vomit. Everyone must face the law (um except Frank). Now we have new charges (um why not before) and I thought the RFMF where squeaky clean and it was only the SDL that where corrupt ?
Then of course readers may remember Driti and Mara only took leave to use excess pay (um does anyone still believe that now?). And what about all the claims of the full support of the military ? And if everyone was equal in the law why where these two not sacked from the RFMF what back then - why ? Because the RFMF and government are ABOVE the law...unless someone really really stuffs up or gets on the wrong side of frank. Think Francis kean - no problem about killing a man as long as he was still behind Frank. Think Mahem - ooops time to face the law now you don't support Frank.
You better get very big picture of Pinochio out and paste it next to the biggest porky pie teller of all time. OUR PM Frank
This man, son of a great family, with concerns for all races, creeds and sexes wellbeing, is a disgrace to his family and to his country. He prefers to side with the very people who killed his mother and father, and who traumatised other members of his family in 2000. He is now amongst those so called "Fijians" who have left to live in Australia, New Zealand, and now Tonga, and dream up lies and crap to feed to their gullible readers on their blogs, and to incite more media garbage.
He will have to return to appear in Court, and will now have more charges and a heavier sentence against him, when found guilty.
...so perhaps the blogs got it right re claims of the PM's ill health ?
...in this great new free and fair Fiji why are none of Mara's commented to be seen anywhere ?
...why the law now. The PM to date has held himself and his men above the law. By all means chargeMara and Driti BUT also charge Frank. His comments what just seditious, he went through with a coup !!!!!
Another excuse to keep the PER, another excuse to delay dialogue, another excuse to delay elections, another excuse for the sugar industry, the economy...
These are the PM's men. He need to take responsibility and consider resigning himself. He should also take responsibility for the sugar industry and government finances. Step down, move on please.
Will look forward to more information but frankly on what I have seen so far how could anyone take what this man is saying seriously?
Emotive and unsubstantiared statements that could have been better framed by high school student.
The only thing I have taken out of this so far is that if he wants any credibility he better get some professional communication help very quickly.
With amatuerish statements like this one, how on earth did he ever end up being 4th most senior in the Army?
On face value it would appear to be blood entitlement rather than merit.
Time Fiji broke away from that just like the UK did.
Finally another side to this story. Roko Ului is a coward and the Mara family is only interested in what they can get out of this government, and when they lose all their Chiefly privileges they jump ship and run to another country under the guise of 'the PM doesn't understand me' its so childish and let him stay in Tonga I say.
Interesting to note if there was so called split in the Military don't you think those soldiers would have followed Driti and Mara last year when they were plotting against the government and in particular the AG, they had the support of Ben Padarath and a few others, the Military remained true to the PM, goes to show where loyalties stand.
And I struggle to follow some anti government comments on this blog and others, here is the PM putting behind bars those that break the law, he is showing no sympathy for anyone, they are all treated equal and still he is accused of self interest, its about time we looked at the facts and realized that at the current government is transparent and is prepared to take those that commit crimes to court.
The Mara's are only in it for what they can get out of it. Rokoului got caught with his pants down having an affair with another officer and now wants to blame everyone else but himself.
His statement makes little sense. He has accused Kaiyum of being some sort of master controlled of everything happening in Fiji and masterminding his arrest. For this to be even slightly believable, Kaiyum would have to be some sort of genius, charismatic super leader. Remember, he has no background in the army or police, but these are the only two organisations with the power to carry out what Mara is accusing him of. Wow, he must really be something if he has been able to persuade both the police (run by a military man) and the army to blindly follow his orders.
But then he goes on to say that he is: Endowed with no leadership qualities and incapable of understanding the simplest principles of decency and respect... Come on, which one is it - is he a mastermind leader/manipulator, or a terrible leader?
He also complains that he was to be put in jail without the chance to defend himself in court, despite the facts showing that he just went to court and WAS GIVEN BAIL. Kaiyum must really be slipping by allowing his corrupt judicial system let him out so easily.
I find it unlikely that Mara and Driti were the ones pushing to remove the PER and this was opposed by Kaiyum. Instead it is the trouble with Driti and Mara that has caused the government to keep the PER in place.
The military controlled censored media in Fiji is being misused again.
Thanks guys over at C4.5 for printing the whole of the Tongan PM's statement.
Have quick look at the 'cleansed' version on FijiLive.
""""The Tongan Prime Minister, Lord Tu’ivakano says Tonga has breached its protocols by offering protection to its kinsman Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara.
Lord Tu’ivakano in statement said the protection offered by his Majesty the King of Tonga, George Tupou V is an “offensive breach of protocol purposely to infer, for political gain”.
He said he supported the sentiments of friendship and general good wishes contained in Commodore Banimarama’s statement but wish to make certain points clear.
“Fiji’s domestic affairs are her own and His Majesty’s Government has no interest in bringing undue influence.” Lord Tu’ivakano.
Lord Tu’ivakano said there shall be no obstacle placed before the Fijian Government’s Representatives in Court nor should the accused be denied counsel and the right to reply.
“The dignity of Tongan Justice is preserved through Judicial Restraint therefore the discredited indulgence of Judicial Activism which is prevalent in the Courts of some Dominions and Republics is an affront to our Constitution.” He added.""""
They have conveniently left out most of the parts that tell bananasinpyjamas to go and have a cold shower.
However the censors did allow the bit where the Tongans say that the Fijian courts are corrupt; the poor censor didn't know what all the big words meant i.e. """therefore the discredited indulgence of Judicial Activism which is prevalent in the Courts of some Dominions and Republics is an affront to our Constitution.”""
I wonder which republic has courts which cause affront to the Tongan Constitution?
Thanks Fijilive for letting the world know that the Fijian courts are corrupt.
nsgDear Croz,
Thanks, a good clear summary. I admire your optimism. This does look bad for the PM. The only good I can read into it is he is actually prepared to deal with the likes of Mara, Driti as he is Chaudry. If only he also dealt with Kean, Teleni and others. I guess he can't go after everyone who helped him in his coup. It's a fine balance for him. He needs to feed the support of his military - pay rises and promotions for new people. That's why we have seen no budget cuts in the RFMF. At the same time he wants to take out opposition who question him where ever they are. It's interesting that while he hates poltics he is having to play politican in this delicate balance of power he holds. Even though he just got kicked in the nuts and spat at by one of his own 9so to speak) he is still winning and still in control. The biggest loser in this and the whole damned coup (this one and the last three) remains FIJI.
I hope your optimism for Fiji's future holds true Croz. I'm not so sure anymore.
Regular reader
Croz, You say the opposition should remain silent or jeopardise participation next year. So anyone with a alternate view for remain silent otherwise beings...well silenced ! Here is the biggest issue in Fiji now. There is no room or tolerence of alternate views. Frank will simply not allow it.
On another point your are often a critic of Australia's heavey hand when it comes to Fiji and Frank talking about a Pacific way. Well have a look at his statement. If it is not a heavey handed message to Tonga then i don't no what is. No quiet deplomacy, no respect. i guess the rules change when you are the bigger country and you can push someone smaller around.
It seems you are suggesting the PM lied when he said Mara and Driti where just taking leave ? So he and Mr Field do have something in common.
Also are we now to believe the blogs that theie was a rift between Driti/Mara and the PM ?
This is all pretty normal stuff post coups and with prelonged Dictator. Mara just joins a long list of people jumping ship after enjoying the spills or when it comes time to face the music. Think of Sada Reddy, John Sammy, Mahen Chaudry, FLP, Trade unionists, board members, ceo's. Many have come and gone. Some came for good reason and others for only personal gain but they all left when they crossed the PM.
...umm does Tonga actually have a Navy of some sort ?
A sad day for Fiji. It's hard to see any good coming out of all this for anyone. Sooner or later PM must change his approach. He is going to have to start listening and compromising and he is going to have to start engaging people not charging them. He can't do it on his own.
Interesting commentary on the Roko Ului saga. I have to agree with several of the comments here, the statement made by Roko Ului was badly written and full of emotion, he needs a new speech writer. Funny how all of a sudden he turns on the hand that fed him for so many years, if he was so unhappy with the way the government was being run why didn't he resign last year? Well why would he when he could stab his boss in the back and still put his hand out for his monthly pay.
Instead he continued to get his pay and all the benefits that come with it whilst sitting around the grog bowl complaining about things, which ultimately led to these charges, which ultimately led to him fleeing the country.
You can not have your cake and eat it to Roko Ului, you must stand and face the charges against you and if you are innocent let the courts decide. Oh but thats right you think the courts are corrupt, but if that was the case why didn't you mention that months if not years ago, or were you turning a bind eye to it all, I think not. Either way you have a lot of questions to answer, you simply cant have it all.
@ anon. Why would the PM have to start listening to people like Roko Ului or any others that break the law, that is way Fiji has a court system, so they can be charged accordingly. I am sure he listened to both Roko Ului and Driti when they protested their innocence to the charges of stabbing him in the back.
You do not compromise on matters such as this.
Was just reading how Adi Koila (Rokoului's sister) was quite vocal against the Reconciliation bill moved by Qarase. She even spoke against it in Senate.
Understably she was held in Parliament for 56 days by Speight and his group. These extremist Fijians didn't even show any respect for Ratu Mara a high chief and President. Simione Kaitani and his group even spoke publicly against Ratu Mara in parliament.
It would be interesting to see what Rokouluis family do. Adi Koila had in fact supported Banimarama's move against Qarase's Reconciliation bill - which was to grant amnesty to people involved in the 2000 coup as long as it was political and compensation to those deserving if affected.
Interesting developments. Rokouluis latest address appears that he is holding back. Maybe he is still talking family.
I have just spoken to Ratu Tevita and this is his plan.
He will stay in Tonga for a while, until he is well rested and ready to come back home, he said he needs a bit of a holiday.
When he reaches Fiji he will disembark from a tongan Naval boat on a white horse, from here he will ride through the streets cutting the shackles of the poor oppressed fijians. Then he will ride to the prison and release Driti, who has been patiently waiting for him. He will jump on the back of the horse and from there the pair of them will overthrow government (single handed) and claim their rightful thrown. They will rejoice with rum and beer and congratulate themselves on a job well done. And everyone in Fiji will thank them and they will all live happily ever after.
I have just read Rokoului's latest statement. I doubt he wrote it.It certainly doesn't sound like him and it's very disjointed. Thanking coup 4.5 is even a bit much even from him. I honestly don't know who is pulling his strings but I doubt it's him, unless he has lost his mind completely. It's very sad to see someone like this completely fall to pieces and sprout such rubbish that has no meaning. I am almost speechless at the stupidity of it all. I hope the PM just ignores it.
I think the next people to FLEE Fiji will be Commodore Frank Bainimarama and Mr Khayum his little Puppeteer
They will not stay and face the consequences of their actions that have been increasingly corrupt and unjust. Look what has happen to the Dictators in the Middle East that have fallen and are under siege. Bainimarama and Khayum will be ostracised by the rest of the Pacific Nations who should not be afraid to stand up to this morally corrupt Bully. The sooner that Fiji has democratic elections and have elected Prime Minister with no Military Influence the better it will be for its’ Proud Fijian Citizens.
What a sad indictment on the legacies left behind by our great respective Pacific leaders who paid with their lives for our freedoms, progress and developments; and whose vision was for all of us to achieve successful outcomes for our respectful Pacific peoples. Like the next Pacifican, I care about what goes on in our backyard, front yard, side yard and originally beautiful Pacific Ocean and Region. As family members, activists, recipients, significant agents and beneficiaries of our Pacific Region, we are all concerned about the shared collective legacy we bequeath our children. Ratu Tevita Mara, whilst I endorse the Kingdom’s courageous support of you, and whilst I admire that you have found refuge for reflection, I would beg that you think before you speak. It is counterproductive and unworthy of your lineage to be as uncouth as the barriers you seek to address. You lose precious influence with your supporters (Viti, Pacifican, Other) if you do not strategise well to make your escape count for the liberation you seek for your peoples. The truth is a compelling position, it is the only position worthwhile upholding. Speak your truth clearly and peacefully, with the open intent of bringing about parliamentary democratic peace. Do not move with malice and vengeance or your heart’s steps will be impeded by your own lack of wisdom. Our current concern is for the economical crisis imposed on your Peoples, the poverty-ridden subsistence and the increasing disparities that divide the classes. Our future concern is for our respective future Pacifican generations and the erroneous examples and dysfunctional role-modelling set for them. Otherwise You/We are all derelict in our duty to our beloved countries and our future leaders. We leave them with little to aspire to; grant them bankrupt leadership models; fuzzy notions of integrity; impaired vision and very limited sight. You boys with your toys get your “stuff” together. Otherwise, step aside and let the women and children take care of the business of looking after the families, villages, communities and countries you swore to protect. Yesterday, our women needed you to man-up; and our families needed you to speedily negotiate your maximum potential. Today, your “men-power”, such as it is, is critical to our common growth; and our children deserve nothing less than to follow the very best. And finally, our Pacific Ocean and Region needs responsible, wise, savvy, strategic and visionary caretakers, now.
What a sad indictment on the legacies left behind by our great respective Pacific leaders who paid with their lives for our freedoms, progress and developments; and whose vision was for all of us to achieve successful outcomes for our respectful Pacific peoples. Like the next Pacifican, I care about what goes on in our backyard, front yard, side yard and originally beautiful Pacific Ocean and Region. As family members, activists, recipients, significant agents and beneficiaries of our Pacific Region, we are all concerned about the shared collective legacy we bequeath our children. Ratu Tevita Mara, whilst I endorse the Kingdom’s courageous support of you, and whilst I admire that you have found refuge for reflection, I would beg that you think before you speak. It is counterproductive and unworthy of your lineage to be as uncouth as the barriers you seek to address. You lose precious influence with your supporters (Viti, Pacifican, Other) if you do not strategise well to make your escape count for the liberation you seek for your peoples. The truth is a compelling position, it is the only position worthwhile upholding. Speak your truth clearly and peacefully, with the open intent of bringing about parliamentary democratic peace. Do not move with malice and vengeance or your heart’s steps will be impeded by your own lack of wisdom. Our current concern is for the economical crisis imposed on your Peoples, the poverty-ridden subsistence and the increasing disparities that divide the classes. Our future concern is for our respective future Pacifican generations and the erroneous examples and dysfunctional role-modelling set for them. Otherwise You/We are all derelict in our duty to our beloved countries and our future leaders. We leave them with little to aspire to; grant them bankrupt leadership models; fuzzy notions of integrity; impaired vision and very limited sight. You boys with your toys get your “stuff” together. Otherwise, step aside and let the women and children take care of the business of looking after the families, villages, communities and countries you swore to protect. Yesterday, our women needed you to man-up; and our families needed you to speedily negotiate your maximum potential. Today, your “men-power”, such as it is, is critical to our common growth; and our children deserve nothing less than to follow the very best. And finally, our Pacific Ocean and Region needs responsible, wise, savvy, strategic and visionary caretakers, now.
We might certainly echo with relish some of the comment made by "Pacifican Falala". The legacy of so many who went before indeed left in ruins. Poor and bankrupt judgement, moral and ethical; backs turned yet again towards the people. To what purpose? 'Future Accountability' we are told from afar. What utter rubbish! No one seriously contemplates 'anytime soon' accountability. Replete with taxpayers' money - who in the entire country is worth more than $300,000 p.a.? - puffed up and kitted out with self-importance, we strutt and bestride "All the world's a stage" like some parody of utterance of the Noble Bard. This is what befalls the 'Unself-actualised Man'... hubris. Would any of us know what hubris is? It is unpleasant, instantly recognisable and it reeks of self agrandisement: based on very little really, mere creme and powder puff stuff. Eventually, it all withers away leaving in its wake......devastation "terribile visu" (Virgil - The Aenid Book VI)
In response to Frank's lies to the anti-gov supporters, Tevita launches his 'back to democracy' campaign with a tall tale of how he was 'rescued at sea'. It seems his appeal to 'his army/police supporters' is another bid to help 'rescue himself' from his problems. He has run away leaving his wife, family and "all his supporters" to fend for themselves, whilst appealing for "someone" to rise up and do the "dirty" job of getting rid of the PM. No one but himself is disgracing his Mara name.
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