Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Saturday, 30 April 2011

People’s Charter, Pillar 9 (Knowledge-Based Society) : For Discussion

Readers are asked to consider and comment on Government’s progress towards these goals. 

Peoples charter logo
Critical Problems and Issues:
  • In the wake of the coups since 1987, and with persisting  political instability and a growing sense of insecurity, our  nation has lost, through emigration, substantial numbers  of its experienced professionals and skilled workers. The  skills gap that has emerged cannot be readily filled  because new entrants to the labour force lack expertise, education, experience and training.
  • Over 10% of Fiji’s children aged 5-14 years do not attend  school. More than half the total numbers in final year of primary school do not progress to secondary education.
  • The need to address access and equity issues to support  social justice and promote unity and harmony. The difficulty of access because of poor infrastructure in rural  and remote areas combined with the meagre incomes of  most families are among the major factors contributing to  the high dropout  rates, and also the disparities in academic achievement between the poor in rural and urban areas and the welltodo  families.
  • Of the 16,000 students coming out of the school system,  only about 8,000 are being absorbed in the formal job market.
The Way Forward:
The following key measures and actions must be taken with due  priority and urgency  :
  • Ensure access to quality education for all.
  • Establish a statutory body for Community and Non-Formal Learning.
  • Establish a modular system of education.
  • Establish a coherent national tertiary education system.
  • Increase access to tertiary and higher education.
  • Ensure improved overall quality of teaching and learning  through better trained educators.
  • Implement a progressive and responsive curriculum.
  • Strengthen early childhood education, especially in the rural areas and the outer islands.
  • Improve the financing of education.
  • Enhance the skills base and vocational training.
  • Introduce a system for the distribution of all education grants that specifically recognises and is based on the disadvantage of schools.

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