N0065. A NEW BALL GAME. In a new development the FRU Board, on the advice of the International Rugby Board, has reversed its decision and will not resign over the lottery saga.
The IRB apparently think changes to management could be a contravention of the FRU constitution which "could result in the IRB having to take a determination on the continued membership of the IRB of the FRU." They have further advised that a decision on the lottery is a matter between the FRU and the Fiji Commerce Commission.
The IRB made no mention of the inspection of the FRU accounts that suggested mismanagement and misspending (at least $150,000 is missing), and they had nothing to say on charging two different prices for the same ticket, which, surely, is at the crux of the issue. Fiji does not need anyone, at home or overseas, to condone the mismanagement of public money. Mismanagement and misuse of office are but short steps on the way to full-blown corruption.
And on this issue, the supposedly pro-democracy CoupFourPointFive blog published this comment from one of their readers.
- "IRB vs Regime - & the winner is?
Remove the scumbags said...
- Time to totally isolate the scumbags in this military regime. Ban Fiji rugby Union from the world cup and all other international rugby until the human rights abusing Fiji military return to their filthy barracks. As for their few cowardly coup supporters - read the latest in the Cros Walsh pro junta racist blog - he and his mongoose supporters (in their bitterness and desperation) are now attacking the hapless families of the NZ mine disaster and the floods in Australia. Vermin, all of them."
Pike River disaster in this blog. The person commenting has made this up.
The CoupFourPointFive comment was brought to my attention by a reader who wrote:
Ugly racism at 4.5 has left a new comment on your post "Why the Roadmap? The Politics under the Bridges Pa...":
"Croz, to follow is yet another disgraceful example of the way Coup 4.5 tolerates, and arguably encourages, racist comments about Indo-Fijians.
Like you, the site's operators have the ability to screen such material and choose not to do so. Yet they routinely reject moderate opinion that in any way portrays the Bainimarama regime in a favourable light. I would strongly urge you to tackle this appalling racism head-on by giving such postings the highest prominence on your site. It's high time to go to war against 4.5, a site that poses as moderate and pro-democratic but is really a front for the racists of the indigenous hard right. More than anything, this shows why the coup of 2006 was vital to protect the rights of other citizens. And we need to keep our boots on their miserable throats."
N0066. HOUSING AUTHORITY HELPS POOR AND UNEMPLOYED. The Housing Authority Board has approved a new housing loan rehabilitation policy that will assist customers who are finding it difficult to meet their loan repayments due to retirement, sickness, unemployment and disability. The policy will also assist those defaulting customers who are covered under the Village Housing Scheme. The new policy will target customers who have paid more than twice the principle loan amount, and those who are unemployed or facing financial difficulties.
The PM said the policy is not a handout but a "social desire to assist the marginalized and those who are at risk of losing their homes." It will assist home owners by either writing off part or the whole of their remaining loan or by temporarily assisting the unemployed by freezing the interest and fees on the loan balance for up to 12 months. Hundreds of middle and low income families are expected to be assisted under the policy.
N0067. EU PARLIAMENT EXTENDS AGREEMENTS.The European Union has extended its Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EPA) trade agreements with Fiji and PNG, and stated that it has a strong interest in continuing to maintain close, high-level economic relations with the Pacific states. The EU parliament added that the agreement could also lead to negotiations on a comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement if so desired by the two countries.
The Interim EPA was initiated by Fiji and PNG in 2007 and signed by them in 2009 in order to ensure that preferential exports of sugar and fish into the EU market continue after the expiry of the trade preferences under the Cotonou Agreement on 1st January 2008.
Foreign Affairs Minister Ratu Inoke Ratu Kubuabola said that I-EPA was critical to the survival of the Fiji Sugar Industry because is provided a guaranteed market access into the European Union until 2015, at preferential price, which was equivalent to the price received by the European Union Sugar producers. He hoped that after 2015, the agricultural reforms undertaken by the European Union will ensure that the interest of Fiji and other ACP Sugar producers will be maintained in the European Union market. Ratu Inoke was hopeful the ban on fisheries exports will be lifted now that health and safety issues have been addressed.
A meeting of the Pacific ACP Trade Ministers will be meeting in Apia on 3-4 February to instill momentum in the Comprehensive EPA negotiations with the European Union. --- Based on 2011, No: 0154/MOI.