Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Friday, 10 December 2010

The Lies of March, UN Move to China, USP Cuts Income, New Churches, Jailed For Heeding Lawyer, A Compliment, RBF Reddy Resigns

WEEKEND READING  ♦Allen Lockington column ♦ Gerald McGhie on The Vexed Question of External Aid  ♦ Graham Reid's second article on his Fiji visit  ♦ Teaching Men and Boys by Sharon Bhagwan Rolls  ♦ The 2011 Budget: Claims and Counterclaims.

CANCELLATION OF MARCH. The annual Coalition of Human Rights march planned for tomorrow in Suva has been cancelled because of a warning to American citizens from the US Embassy that the march could be used by anti-government elements and become unruly. The planned march was of women, children and families to show their support for human rights.

The Ministry of Information blamed the American Embassy of causing confusion by issuing an alert based on an "anonymous blog which suggesting the march was not going to be a peaceful one."

The MOI does not normally "react to this type of information because it has proven time and again to be inaccurate and detrimental to the country. However, on this occasion for reasons unknown,  the American Embassy has chosen to take heed of gossip and rumour rather than seeking to confirm the facts with the Fiji Government." -- Based on 2010, No:2131/MOI.

 "... AN INDOFIJIAN PLUS MARK MANNING." These two people evidently merited special mention by Usaia Waqatairewa of the Australia-based Fiji Democracy and Freedom Movement.

He was answering a CoupFourPointFive question on who turned up to last Sunday's FDFM anti-Fiji Governmment march in Sydney where 200 had been anticipated. Waqatairewa said, “About sixty people attended …  mainly indigenous Fijians, part-Europeans and an IndoFijian, plus Mark Manning.”

But a blogger thought the number was closer to 30, or 15 if children were excluded. (see Mark Manning's photo to form your own opinion.) There are an estimated 100,000 people in Australia who were born in Fiji so whether it was 200, 60 or 30 is really immaterial. The march was not well supported.

CoupFourPointFive went on to ask him about the supposed planned march in Suva today. Waqatairewa thought it could attract 10-20,000. He said he didn't know who was organizing it but urged the SDL and Methodist Church to get involved. It now seems likely the anonymous organisers intended to piggyback on the Coalition of Human Rights march.

Waqatairewa said he wasn't concerned about PER. "The regime do not have the resources to arrest and detail [sic!] 10 or 20 thousand people." He thought people could get hurt. “If the Military wants to beat the hell out of them than that is their prerogative,” he said, and then referred to the “thugs in government [and the] animalistic aggressive nature of the security forces and the people illegally in charge such as Khaiyum and Bainimarama.” 

And so it went on, like the ramblings of a deranged man. A big thank you to CoupFourPointFive, for exposing this FDFM lunacy, and for publishing this comment by one of your readers:

"FDFM, stop lying to the people of Fiji ... even those in Australia are not with you ... People like you at FDFM are strong SDL supporters ... It's easy to see how you are campaigning and trying to brainwash the people of Fiji by [getting them] joining in to an unknown march initiated by a Mr Nobody. Please come yourself and stand up with us here in Fiji if you are genuine." 

And the reader who  wrote  in reply to another comment: "Not all i'Taukei support ethno-nationalism as you seem to portray ... You obviously do not work with the grassroots i'Taukei and have no idea of their needs."

FDFM  claims it has serious support in Australia and Fiji. Its latest showings show its support is almost zilch — plus Mark Manning.

PM PROPOSES UN MOVE TO CHINA. The PM  says the US government through the US embassy in Fiji is not fulfilling it's international obligations by failing to give visas to high level Fiji Ministers and officials to attend major international meetings.Denying senior government officials visas is preventing Fiji's voice being heard in important international meetings.I agree for the reasons given yesterday. Tongue-in-cheek, the PM suggested the UN Headquarters be moved to China.

. The University of the South Pacific will further reduce the money it receives from government. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rajesh Chandra said they voluntarily reduced government’s contribution this year and next year they will reduce the allocation by a further 2% — a saving of $5m for Government in the triennium period of three years.

USP is mainly funded by contributions from its eleven member countries, and Australia and New Zealand. The voluntary reduction is being made because the university's finances are once again in good shape; they think they can be more cost-efficient and still offer quality courses, and because the Fiji Government "is going  through difficult times and its very important for USP to be sensitive to those financial difficulties.”

GROWING CONCERN ABOUT NEW CHURCHES. Pacific Conference of Church General Secretary Fei’loa-ki-tau Tevi  is concerned about the growing number of new churches arriving in Fiji, claiming that  many of them disturb people’s way of life. He also intimated that the new churches were divisive and unconcerned with social and economic issues.

"The fundamental belief of Christianity is social justice in which we should care for the vulnerable and the excluded and the poor and not the rich people," he said. "Your belief as a Christian is more than just praises.

The way you understand yourself as a Christian is more than just every Sunday. I go to church. More churches are coming. Groups and movements and we are not in the business of saying this is ours and you don’t come in , no. What we are saying is to try to improve the lives of people but if you just come in for the sake of building churches and hence having more people and more members, there is no point because you are just doing more harm then doing good.”

Similar concerns were echoed by Methodist minister Rev.Navitalai Qerea speaking about villages on the island of Kadavu. He said the "huge number of religious groups in the Kadavu province has caused a lot of differences and weakened traditional relationships among the people." he called on church leaders to strengthen relationships with the Vanua while maintaining their spiritual beliefs.

JAILED FOR HEEDING LAWYER'S ADVICE. I don't know all the details but on the face of it the jailing of former CEO of FNPF, Olota Rokovunisei, for not turning up to court on 30 November on the advice of his lawyer, Kafoa Muaror, is a miscarriage of justice. The lawyer stated in court that he had “instructed his client  not to attend court on November 30 because he was of the understanding that the date was only to allow the defence to file an affidavit. He told Rokovunisei he would only be required in court on December 10.” (Fiji Times, 7 Dec.) The lawyer himself did not appear in court on 3 December when Rokovunisei was sentenced: he was attending the AG’s Conference.

Justice Sithambarampillai Thurairaja remanded Rokovunisei in jail till 1st February when the court will decide on his bail application. This means that he will spend the Festive Season in jail only because he listened to his lawyer's instruction.  If this is the case, the judge jailed the wrong man and Rokovunisei should be released on bail immediately.

A COMPLIMENT FROM A READER. I get some pretty terrible comments from some readers so it's a nice feeling to receive a compliment like this from a NZ reader: 

"Your own blog with its commonsense, knowledge and continuing ability to provide useful information on Fiji is a shining light.  The problem is (if one thinks it's a problem) you probably make people -- particularly the establishment -- feel uneasy."  Reminds me of a Churchill quote: “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

. Reserve Bank Governor Sada Reddy  has resigned.  Reddy, who has NZ permanent residence where his family lives, worked for the Bank for 35 years, the last 17 as Deputy Governor and Governor.  Deputy Governor Barry Whiteside will act as governor until further notice.

The circumstances of Reddy's resignation are unknown but anti-government blogs (which objected to his appointment in the first place, saying he lacked experience!) accused him of transferring his savings to NZ immediately prior to the devaluation of the Fiji dollar, avoiding a 20% loss. There was also talk that he was not happy about Government's heavy overseas borrowing. Unfortunately, there is no way of confirming or refuting either accusation in an environment where almost every accusation has a political purpose but Reddy, Government and the RBF Board have certainly given no hint of any friction.

In announcing Reddy's resignation, RBF sub-committee chairman Deo Saran said:  "The board sincerely thanks Mr Reddy for his long and distinguished service throughout his time with the Bank and wishes him and his family well for the future."


Travel journal said...

your pro coup blog is becoming increasingly descriptive and just a rerun of the nonews stories cut and pasted from censored Fiji news media with your own bit of pro coup rhetoric thrown in - what about a little more effort and anaysis of what is increasingly becoming a desperate environment.

JW said...


Usaia Waqatairewa (also known as Pita)is someone who is not worth the trouble. You cannot drum comm on sense into him. Let me give you the skinny on him:
1. He is well known in Suva for
changing careers like he
changes his clothes -
apparently something to do
with manufactured
qualifications from Australia.
2. I hear, he now works for a
call-centre in Sydney;
3. He is a failed businessman
(whose second-hand clothing
business in Suva failed)
prior to 2006;
4. He decided to move to Cautata
to seek an election ticket
under the SDL banner but
unfortunately for him, the
ticket was given to another
incompetent and corrupt SDL
candidate - Irami
Matairavula. In Fiji, failed
businessmen and community
leaders always turn to
5. He is approx. 43 years old and
once taught at Suva Grammer
School where he fell for a
student who is now his wife;
6. Most of the I'Taukei in
Australia have little regard
for him as they consider him a
con artist and an
7. Pita is simply trying to build
a "cause" out of which he can
PROFIT. His attempts to get
NEWS LTD and others to
purchase a boat from which to
broadcast 'uncensored news' to
the Fiji public is such an
attempt at funding and
support. Unfortunately, people
saw through his bull shit.

The handful of marchers included Ted Young (SDL failure)and his family; Kaitani (SDL failure and his family); military reject - Colonel Baledrokadroka and his family; Usaia and his family and a few other insignificant persons with their families. LESS THAN 50 out of 100,000 Fijians in Australia.

I think its about time the Australian govt revokes his residency status for using Australia as a base to try and provoke discord here in Fiji, and send him back here!

Croz for PM said...

Sorry Croz. From the rediculous comments you have been getting you must be feeling that everyone is against you. Not so, it is just that you do such a good job putting forward the reasonable and sane view that there is no need for any further comment.

The comments against you are also usually so stupid that I couldn't be bothered getting down to their level to reply.

Please keep up the great work you are doing.

Anonymous said...

@ travel journal....

What a lot of nonsense you spout. You need to ask yourself just this: why does Professor Walsh, who must have many other useful things to do with his time (tree pruning, 'cultiver son jardin' a precept of Voltaire (French philospher)take so much interest in us and in our future? In lieu of lobbing brickbats, you might look back at yourself and find room for commendation? If we are desperate, or seeming so, it is because we deserve the best outcome for everyone (even you!).

White Frangipani said...


Who is Mark Manning? I Googled his name and it seems he is an Australian and his comments posted on some blogs show that he really hates Frank Bainimarama with a personal vengance. I haven't seen his name appear on this blog. Did he live in Fiji for while?

Jese said...

Yes, Usaia Waqatairewa!! Here is irony for you, he worked for Sharon at connect for about a year, he was asked to leave as he was often asleep at his desk or feel asleep in meetings, he was a heavy consumer of grog and drink in those days, he went from there to NLTB where he was also asked to leave, both times due to incompetence. He was an opportunist then and still is, he has freely admitted that he is behind this to make money and a name for himself in australia, he is very proud of the fact that he gets media attention.

However he is also concerned that his past is going to catch up with him, which it will. I think its probably better that he stays in australia as we dont want him in Fiji.

With regards to Mark Manning, i heard he came here for holidays, thats his total experience of Fiji, he had a few fiji girlfriends and rides on the coattails of the SDL party, mostly because he has nothing else to do and he makes a name for himself on blog sites, he has contributed to all sites, they close down and he moves to another one, one of life's real losers. Any further information on him would be appreciated.

RBF watch said...


I recall you where very quick to dismiss those that said Sada had been sacked or quit and was not coming back to Fiji. It turns out theta where at least partly right and probably 100% right. To quit while in NZ and for it to be effective immediately....come on now. Sada has a massive ego and for twenty months made out only he could save Fiji. He criticised everyone and hated expats - especially the expat GMs of the banks. Remember the gush about export substitution and him growing his own tomatoes. This is a man who had already decided to move to NZ and even ran the RBF from NZ pretending via email to be in Fiji. Those that know him like me reflect he spouted the complete opposite of what he preached earlier to get the job. So big was his ego he set up a fine jar in the office which staff had to tip into if they forgot and called him deputy. He loved the title and the money. He only quit because he was to be pushed and he definetly moved most of his money to NZ before the devaluation.

There is not room for people like Sada who have big egos and strong views in the military government.

Walker Texas Ranger said...

@ RBF Watch..

If it can be substantiated that Sada Reddy moved money out of Fiji to New Zealand prior to a 20% devaluation of the Fiji dollar (this has been mooted to have allegedly taken place in Fiji before?), then he is guilty of very serious 'insider trading' and must be held to account. This would be an extremely grave abuse of office and of public trust. No Fiji taxpayer would stand for this. So, far from allowing hypothetical conduct of this kind to "fade away", he should be hauled in like any other purported felon for investigation. Is this the behaviour of a loyal and dedicated civil servant? No, it would be a gross betrayal and abuse and must be treated as such. It would fall into a high category of corruption - if it ever took place as suggested? Evidence must now be sought both in Fiji and in New Zealand. There must be no delay in this matter and the results must come into the public domain.