Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Monday 30 November 2009

Snippets: 2000 Coup, Commonwealth, Crimes Decree, SMH, Ringing Frank, FEA, Xmas Tree

Looking Back: Speight’s psychological warfare
"Every day, the rumours were deliberately planted by Speight’s psychological warfare machine, targeted at the military as well as civilians, as a means of inciting violence, psychological control and inducing submission. These were reinforced by Speight’s daily interviews, news of burning, violence and theft and reporting of happenings in Parliament where the hostages (members of the ruling party) were still being held. The Fijian radio stations repeatedly played nationalistic speeches by nationalist leaders and sermons by Methodist church leaders ...."
If you want to know more about the racism and shady characters behind the 2000 Speight coup read  Dr Steven Ratuva's review of State of Suffering: Political Violence and Community Survival in Fiji by Auckland University anthropologist Susanna Trnka. Better still, read the book.

What a funny Commonwealth we live in
Rwanda with no prior Commonwealth connections but 800,000 genocide deaths to account for and ongoing human rights abuses is admitted because it has "made progress", while Fiji with Commonwealth links forged in war remains suspended -- and denied entry to the Commonwealth Games. Its human rights record: four deaths attributed to the coup, some temporary dententions and restrictions on media freedom. The only new comment from Commonwealth leaders was that the situation had "deteriorated." At the level on which their attention is fixed ("ongoing restrictions on human rights including freedom of speech and assembly"), this is probably true. Sadly, some Commonwealth leaders fail to see that it has been their policies of exclusion that have helped to make things worse. The responsibility does not lie entirely with Fiji.  And Fiji cannot, even with the wildest stretches of imagination, be compared to Rwanda! Apparently, Malaysia lobbied for Fiji's inclusion in the Games.

The soon-to-be-announded sinister Crimes Decree

Victims of Internet crimes committed in Fiji now have access to legal resources with the institution of a new Decree introducing new charges. Full story.Ratu Epeli comments on its significance for human trafficking. There's no doubt this new decree will soon be labelled sinister.

The Sydney Morning Herald ...
has been giving Fiji some attention recently. Almost all comment is hostile and only as well informed as you may expect from visiting journalists but they're worth a quick look. One reader wrote: "Don’t those journalists understand that the reason why Fiji is like it is, is because of the poor governance of past governments for the past twenty years? Watch the video. Those squatter settlements did not spring up overnight – they have been there for decades."

"Fiji's Squatter Settlements" Kate Geraghty
"An unholy alliance of Church and State", Paul McGeough
"In Paradise Lost, where dissent fears to tread" Paul McGeough & Kate Geraghty

And for good measure, in Green Left, hear what Brij Lal has to say about the military being intent on holding on to power.

Why don't you give Frank a ring?

I wonder how many other Prime Ministers offer this service. Any complaints about the civil service, just text message Frank on your cellphone. The number's 01. One of two specially assigned officers will reply, and often Frank will attend to it himself. Come on Kevin and John, you're not going to let a dictator beat you at this. Full story.

FEA and Niranjan
I've heard someting about  $2 million the Fiji Electricity Authority had to pay Niranjans for four defunct HIAB Trucks. If true, is it corruption, incompetence, or what? And why has Government said nothing? 

Muslim lights Fiji’s biggest Christmas tree 
Imported by Digicel, taking three weeks to set up in Ratu Sukuna Park, Suva, and measuring over 12 metres, the giant Christmas tree was lit (turned on) by A-G Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. The Conservatorium of Music will be performing Christmas carols at the park every Thursday and Friday until the end of December.

2010 Budget. I will have something on the 2010 Budget later, when I get this Auckland PIPSA paper out of the way.


Anonymous said...

The sooner those outside Fiji wake up to the fact, the very obvious fact, that terrorism took place in 2000 within Fiji and all the attendant ills pertaining thereto, the better it will be for them and for us. Odd, is it not, that Rwanda which suffered genocide in the mid 1990s is now admitted to the Commonwealth. Yet Fiji has teetered on the edge of events which might have led to so much else. It is a testament to the fortitude and strength of Fiji's people that it has NOT. Reforms are required and they have to succeed. It is most certainly not the fault of Fiji alone that such reforms are only taking place now. A close examination of navels is required. Let it begin!

Son of Fiji said...

The Commonwealth has become a joke. Fierce lobbying by NZ, along with a $50million goodwill bribe will buy the decisions they want - no matter how hypocritical.
Rwanda is let in - despite its lack of historical ties, and human rights records far in excess of anything that could ever be imagined here in Fiji. And to placate protests from human rights groups, all they have to say is within the group, Rwanda can submit to peer pressure to make further improvements..
Dear Frank - the further we distance ourselves and our beloved country from these hypocrites, the better.

God Bless Fiji.

Son of Fiji said...

Sorry I failed to mention Australia & New Zealands stubborn resistance to pressure by playing rugby against Apartheid South Africa for over 50 years!
And what was their excuse back then? Sports & Politics don't mix?
Hypocrites. Keep your values.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to imagine how the average Aucklander or resident of Wellington or Christchurch might have reacted to the level of psychological and daily stress experienced by so many in Fiji in the months between May 2000 and Christmas/New Year. Can they even begin to imagine what that climate of fear and repression was like with an intervening Mutiny and eight associated deaths in November 2000? One might suspect that they could not. Notwithstanding this, it is permitted that governments in both New Zealand and Australia have seen fit - and still see fit - to exert pressure which now amounts, one might realistically suggest - to repression. How is this to be tolerated - let alone encouraged - by any constituency of reasonable and fair-minded people? Fiji is a small island nation. In the year 2000 and in the years thereafter a coterie of racist, indigenous supremacist thugs were let loose through elections deemed to be democratic and fair by observers on the ground.

They were not. Nor were the elections of May 2006.

So why does the "psychological warfare" continue from afar, unadulterated, unmodified, unnuanced? What possible outcome of any benefit to anyone will this achieve? It is a policy and a strategy of futility. No useful end is or will be served. It will boomerang back - bearing ill will, laden with chicanes of misfortune for all concerned. A change of tack is required while the winds still allow for one.

joe said...

"hear what Brij Lal has to say about the military being intent on holding on to power."

All previous administrations in Fiji had such intent, by hook or crook, except those of Dr Bavadra and Mr Chaudhary, who weren't there long enough for us to draw a conclusion. As for Frank, the same Brijlal statement applies. The difference is that Frank has NO hidden agenda. His visions for Fiji is crystal clear to the whole world, and without a shadow of a doubt, has the mandate of the silent majority in Fiji.

Anonymous said...

Dr Brij Lal would do well to consider what the late American statesman, Adlai Stevenson, said:

"A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular".

Oh yes. And would Professor Brij Lal care to explain to his Australian compatriots what this might mean for Fiji and how we have every determination and justifiable desire to be that free .....eventually.

joe said...

"Looking Back: Speight’s psychological warfare"
SP8 coup was a blessing in disguise for Fiji. It opened the eyes of the military heirachy, in that there are rogue elements in the RFMF, eg. the double role played by then military spokesman, Tarakinikini. There are many other such incidents, like the attempted asassination of HE Ratu Mara, then prez. What about the role of police comm Savua? Nov 2 mutiny at the army barracks? And the int community wants us to go to polls and elect a dumb arse who cant even control a "choko vine on a shit house?" Fiji was on track to transforming into another Pakistan/Afghanistan with Taliban style govt, history tells us so. Frank has put a STOP to that. It is so sad that the int community cant see this. Obama is sending 30000 US pawns(soldiers) to Af-Pak area next year. How sad. His predecessor Bush said "we are fighting them abroad, so we dont have to fight them at home" Why did you allow them to flourish in the first place? Arm them, fund them etc., against the Russians. You reap what you sow, as the saying goes. Leave Fiji alone, if you cant help. We will show you how it should be done.