Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Saturday 19 May 2012

Lockington's Everyday Fiji ... Life Goes On

Allen Lockington is a self-employed customs agent and business consultant who has regular articles published in Fiji. I thank Allen for permission to reprint some of them in this political blog. They remind us that life goes on, whatever the political situation. And it's good to know that.
                     Hope of Progress

I hope there'll be positive progress in the Constitution process, and thatgovernment will soon appoint more civilians to head the various posts in government, rendering the situation — government of the people.

 And as for complacency, bureaucracy and procrastination in government, I sincerely hope it will be a thing of the past by the next general elections.  If you compare the services of a private company to that of some government offices, the private companies have far better customer service.

It is true that some government departments have improved, but others need a very healthy dose of pure adrenaline (or something stronger) to keep them moving, with staff  not forever coming in late and leaving early.

One of the things I hate about dealing with a government department is when I am told that the person is in a meeting, out,  or "gone to the bank."  Meetings, though part of official business, should not so disable services that customers are made to wait for hours  or come back the next day.

If we can get these improvements and others in place over the next two or so years, we will have elections— and an efficient and able civil service— in 2014.


The Yard and the QPF and Answering the landline within 3 rings! said...


Your comments about private enterprise offering higher quality service than the public sector of course still apply. Does anyone known to you in government answer their landline within 3 (yes, 3) rings? That is the global benchmark and beyone 5 is a sacking offence. Ask the Hotel Bristol management in Paris and they will confirm it.

Should not the Police Force in particular answer all phones (mobile or landline) within 3 - 5 rings? It would be a healthy test of primary response. Maybe confidence would return somewhat if this were to be immediately applied?

In Queensland, Crimestoppers Volunteers answer calls for the Police Force. They do many other tasks too within general administration. They are trained especially for this duty. They work FOR the Public and WITH the Queensland Police. This ensures that everything gets done in a satisfactory manner and crime is prevented before it takes place.

By the way: even Scotland Yard admits that the QPF is the world leader in detection of Cyber Crime with regard to Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking and detection of Paedophile behaviour. The Yard has admitted that at a public dinner held in the presence of the AG of Australia at the time: a few years ago - 2007.

Frustrated are we? said...

You and Davis are sounding somewhat frustrated? Build a bridge old boy and move on. Bainimarama's rejection by Japan, US, EU, NZ, Aust and others is not the end of the world. All dictatohips are treated as pariahs by free nations. Lighten up and smell the roses.

Anonymous said...

Let's not be naive here. If oil was discovered in Fiji then all "free" countries would either come to the government's party OR would plan to invade because there are WMD's found in the Serua Hills. The greatest human rights transgressions are committed by the "free". The fact is, it is easy to bully Fiji while we all turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia, China and Australia and their bad human rights records.