Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Saturday 11 June 2011

Lockington's Everyday Fiji ... Life Goes On

Allen TanoaAllen Lockington is a self-employed customs agent and business consultant who has regular articles published in Fiji.  I thank Allen for permission to reprint some of them in this political blog. They remind us that life goes on, whatever the political situation. And it's good to know that.

Don’t Fear the LTA
 Thank you to LTA officers who were in Waiyavi Jinnu Road checking on vehicles recently. Monday being a public holiday many people were going to the beaches, visiting friends or driving around on joy rides and with the festive mood, alcohol can also be on board. 
But it was amusing to see the many illegal carriers do a u-turn when they saw the law up ahead. One mini van, the match box kind, came down Sukanaivalu road towards Jinnu Road and  just as he came over the hill he spotted the road block. The LTA officers waved for him to stop but to our amazement he turned up Jinnu road at top speed. I laughed when I saw the look on the driver’s face. Such is life on the road in Fiji. 
But thank you, the LTA officers.  Drivers who don’t like them must have a problem with their vehicles or they are illegal carriers. Why should drivers hate LTA officers, have they done something wrong? Just don’t over speed, don’t drink and drive, and have your car checked and you won’t have any fear of the law.

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