Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. (René Descartes, mathematician and philosopher,1599-1650)

Wednesday 25 November 2009

(+) Public Sector Corruption

Fiji was left out of Transparency International global survey on public sector corruption because there was not enough data.Its last ranking was at 55th place.

Dave Aidney, Chairman of Transparency International Fiji, said he is disappointed but Government is making progress. A major problem is finding good prosecution lawyers as some of those charged are hiring Queens Counsels and are being let off on technicalities. Fiji is also updating many of its integrated Acts in an effort to reduce corruption. Attorney General and Minister for Anti-Corruption Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum confirmed no approaches were made to his office by Transparency International when the annual survey of the 180 countries was conducted.  Full story.

Former Post Fiji Top Guns Go on Trial
Radio Fiji announces the trial on corruption charges of two former Post Fiji executives. Full story.


Anonymous said...

Without saying anything that might prejudice this trial, it's gratifying that the courts in Fiji are finally addressing one of the country's biggest corporate problems; rampant conflicts of interest and an almost routine acceptance of kickbacks or, as it's more commonly portrayed in the local context, "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours". The big fish used to get away with this kind of thing. Not any more, if these proceedings are any indication.

Anonymous said...

The continual conflicting interests extend into the boards of entities in Fiji which should be unequivocally fighting corruption. These boards and their members are being used as 'proxies' of developed country interests through aid/funding. This is not 'FIGHTING CORRUPTION' this being someone else's POODLE. Time for it to end. Time for those on past Think Tanks, associated with them or paying into slush funds connected to them to look to their ethics.

No more toleration of this. The game is up. You will be revealed and all your conflicting interests which muddy Fiji's waters with you.